Welcome to Lifeway Family Dental, where we believe in restoring smiles and confidence. Dr. James Herr and the team at our Cumming-based practice combine advanced technology with personalized care to bring back the sparkle in your smile. With our comprehensive range of restorative dental procedures, we aim to cater to each patient's unique needs. Let us help you rediscover the joy of a healthy, beautiful smile.
At Lifeway Family Dental, we understand how a healthy smile can impact your overall well-being. Whether you're struggling with cavities, tooth decay, or missing teeth, our restorative dental services are designed to provide effective solutions, revitalizing your oral health and confidence. Our dedicated team works closely with each patient, creating tailored treatment plans that prioritize both functionality and aesthetics, ensuring that your smile not only feels great but looks great, too.
To address cavities and minor tooth decay, we offer high-quality dental fillings that restore your teeth' natural shape and function. Dr. Herr uses advanced materials such as composite resins to ensure durable and aesthetically pleasing results. Our minimally invasive approach focuses on preserving your natural tooth structure as much as possible, promoting long-term oral health, and preventing further decay.
For patients with severely damaged or missing teeth, our custom-designed dental crowns and bridges provide durable solutions that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. Dr. Herr meticulously crafts each crown and bridge to match your existing teeth' shape, size, and color, delivering a natural-looking smile that feels and functions just like the real thing. With our precise and personalized approach, you can regain the ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently.
When replacing missing teeth, dental implants offer a permanent and secure solution that mimics the strength and appearance of natural teeth. Dr. Herr specializes in implant dentistry, providing comprehensive care that includes the surgical placement of the implant followed by the attachment of a lifelike crown. Our state-of-the-art techniques and highest-grade materials ensure that your dental implants blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, restoring your smile's beauty and functionality.
At The Smile Center, we understand how a healthy smile can impact your overall well-being. Whether you're struggling with cavities, tooth decay, or missing teeth, our restorative dental services are designed to provide effective solutions, revitalizing your oral health and confidence. Our dedicated team works closely with each patient, creating tailored treatment plans that prioritize both functionality and aesthetics, ensuring that your smile not only feels great but looks great, too.
Dental Fillings
To address cavities and minor tooth decay, we offer high-quality dental fillings that restore your teeth' natural shape and function. Dr. Herr uses advanced materials such as composite resins to ensure durable and aesthetically pleasing results. Our minimally invasive approach focuses on preserving your natural tooth structure as much as possible, promoting long-term oral health, and preventing further decay.
Dental Crowns & Bridges
For patients with severely damaged or missing teeth, our custom-designed dental crowns and bridges provide durable solutions that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. Dr. Herr meticulously crafts each crown and bridge to match your existing teeth' shape, size, and color, delivering a natural-looking smile that feels and functions just like the real thing. With our precise and personalized approach, you can regain the ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently.
Dental Implants
When replacing missing teeth, dental implants offer a permanent and secure solution that mimics the strength and appearance of natural teeth. Dr. Herr specializes in implant dentistry, providing comprehensive care that includes the surgical placement of the implant followed by the attachment of a lifelike crown. Our state-of-the-art techniques and highest-grade materials ensure that your dental implants blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, restoring your smile's beauty and functionality.
Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more radiant smile? Our team at Lifeway Family Dental is here to guide you through the restorative dentistry process, offering personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Book your consultation with Dr. James Herr today!
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